Saturday, December 1, 2007

Pink Werewolf FAQs

Have questions?
Here are some answers. Please note that this page will be updated as needed.

What topic(s) does Pink Werewolf cover?
Pink Werewolf addresses pop culture topics that are traditionally marketed to men. This includes comics; movies in the horror, sci-fi, fantasy, & action genres; gaming; and really anything that fits this idea.

Don't see something here that you'd like to? Love metal? Sports? Write about it for us!

I loved that article! May I republish/reproduce it?
All the material on this site is copyright protected. Please follow the procedures below if you would like to:

Link to the post.
Sure. Go ahead. Link away.

Quote a small portion, i.e. a paragraph or two.
This is allowed as long as you link to the source.

Reprint or reproduce the full post or a significant portion of it.
Without direct, written permission, this use is not allowed. Should you use material without said direct and written permission, I will hunt you down; and with my particular skill with and access to weaponry (firearms, crossbow, swords, magic), it will not be pretty. If I'm feeling particularly evil, I will access that particularly evil team of professionals - lawyers. In other words....
Just freaking ASK!
How often do you post?
The PW posting schedule is officially 2-3 times a week; however, I will post additional items as I come across them. Also, if you follow me on Twitter, I post quick links there.

I'd love to write for Pink Werewolf. How do I do that?
PW is ALL about hearing from fellow fans. Read how to write for PW here.

Why Pink Werewolf?
Because. That's why. :) Actually, it used to be Fluffy Pink Werewolf (inspired by Steven Jackson's Munchkin Bites "Fluffy" card), but it seemed too long.

Don't see your question here?
Email your inquiries to the editor, C. Ray, at